• TSX-V:ECR 0.13 (0)
  • Volume 177190

Press releases

July 8, 2011

Cartier suspends work on Rivière Doré Project

Val-d’Or, Quebec, July 8th 2011 – Cartier Resources inc. (TSX-V: ECR) (« Cartier ») announces that exploration work on the Rivière Doré project is suspended. Several discussions with the Ministère de Ressources naturelles et de la faune, the Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones and the Algonquin Community of Rapid Lake led Cartier to request a delay for work on this project. Following this request, the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la faune, in accordance with article 63 of the Mining Act (RSQ., c. M-13.1 and its amendments) has granted the suspension of the term for 1,052 claims that comprise the Rivière Doré project until July 3rd 2013.

Philippe Cloutier, President and CEO of Cartier stated «we believe that our discussions and the initiative to suspend exploration work on this territory and requests for specific assistance from the Ministère de Ressources naturelles et de la faune and the Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones, confirms our respect for stakeholders in this area and will contribute to future development of the project».
Cartier and its partner Copper One will inform its investors and stakeholders of the progress of these discussions in a timely manner.

Elsewhere, Cartier is progressing with exploration on four other projects:
• On the Xstrata Option project drilling is in progress on gold and copper-zinc targets.
• On the Cadillac Extension project an extensive prospecting and trenching programme was completed, assay results are pending. Drilling is planned this fall on the best targets.
• On the Dollier project follow-up drilling on the Gold Zone is planned to commence in July.
• On the Diego project geophysical targets will be drill-tested following the Dollier programme.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control
The exploration programs and the technical information presented in this press release have been reviewed and approved by Mr. Philippe Berthelot, P. Geo., and Vice President – Exploration. Mr. Berthelot is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Cartier has implemented and adheres to a strict Quality Assurance/Quality Control program which includes mineralized standards and blanks for each batch of samples. Assay samples are taken from drill core sawed in half with one half sent to a commercial laboratory and the other half retained for future reference. Analyses are either performed by Techni-lab S.G.B. Abitibi inc.(ACTLABS) in Sainte-Germaine, Quebec, or by ALS-Chemex in Val-d’Or, Quebec, both accredited laboratories.


For further information please contact:
Philippe Cloutier
President and CEO
Cartier Resources Inc.
Telephone: 819 874-1331
Fax: 819 874-3113
The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.