• TSX-V:ECR 0.11 (0.01)
  • Volume 602000

Press releases

November 18, 2009

Cartier Stakes Significant New Copper Discovery Southeast of Val-d’Or

Val-d’Or, Québec, November 18, 2009 – Cartier Resources Inc. (TSX-V: ECR) («Cartier») is pleased to announce significant copper results from channel sampling on its newly acquired Doré property southeast of Val-d’Or (refer to attached link for figure). The sampling returned 1.0 % Cu over 6.0 meters (refer to attached link for picture). The discovery is in the central portion of this property which was recently staked (inscription certificates by Quebec’s ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune are pending). This property consists of 725 map staked cells for a total area of 42,060 hectares.

The discovery was borne within the framework of a vast till and rock sampling program conducted over a large area. The program covered a little known region situated around 100 kilometers to the east and to the southeast of Val-d’Or. The geological environment of this sector is characterized by a layered intrusive complex which is bounded to the south by meta-sediments and to the north by meta-volcanics. Cartier has staked the entire favorable contact which is characterized by a prominent magnetic high setting that spans over 80 kilometers in length. The area also hosts extensive lake-sediment copper anomalies according to a recent survey published by Quebec’s ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune (PRO 2009-03).

The copper mineralization is associated with a sulphide bearing horizon that marks the contact between the intrusive and the meta-sediments. To date, the mineralization is seen over a width of six meters and is open in all directions.
Elsewhere on the property, the exploration team has identified an extensive boulder field of mineralized float. Individual boulders are comprised of semi-massive to massive sulphides and have returned the following grades: 0.40 % Cu – 0.50 % Ni – 0.05 % Co, 0.30 % Cu – 0.60 % Ni, and, 0.23 % Cu – 0.64 % Ni – 0.04 % Co. Further work will be aimed at finding the source in outcrop.

Cartier is currently trenching the discovery area in order to expand the exposure at the original discovery site. The ease of access permits work year-round for trenching and drilling.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control
The Doré exploration program is conducted under the supervision of Mr. Philippe Berthelot, P. Geo., qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Cartier has implemented and adheres to a strict Quality Assurance/Quality Control program which includes mineralized standards and blanks for each batch of samples. Assay samples are taken from drill core sawed in half with one half sent to a commercial laboratory and the other half retained for future reference. Analyses are either performed by Techni-lab S.G.B. Abitibi inc. in Sainte-Germaine, Quebec, or by ALS-Chemex in Val-d’Or, Quebec, both accredited laboratories.


For further information please contact:

Philippe Cloutier
President and CEO
Cartier Resources Inc.
Telephone: 819 874-1331
Fax: 819 874-3113

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