• TSX-V:ECR 0.11 (0.01)
  • Volume 602000

Press releases

August 12, 2009

Cartier Reports High Grade Gold Results on Rambull: 27.72 g/t Au over 0.30 m

Val-d’Or, Quebec, August 12, 2009 – Cartier Resources Inc. (TSX-V: ECR) («Cartier») is pleased to announce new high grade gold results on its Rambull Project near Val-d’Or, Quebec. Channel sampling from recent trenching exposures at surface returned intersections ranging from 10.88 g/t Au over 1.00 meters and up to 27.72 g/t Au over 0.30 meters. Results received to date are from three out of the nine trenches (RAM-09-TR-01 to 09) excavated on two mineralized shears (refer to July 2, 2009 press release).

To date, numerous channel sample results show grades ranging from 0.10 g/t to 1.00 g/t Au over sub-metric to metric widths. Best results from individual trenches include:
– Trench RAM-09-TR-01: 1.27 g/t Au over 0.30 meters;
– Trench RAM-09-TR-02: several high grade gold intersections including 22.08 g/t Au over 0.40 meters, 9.32 g/t Au over 0.40 meters, 10.88 g/t Au over 1.00 meters and 2.61 g/t over 0.50 meters;
– Trench RAM-09-TR-03: 27.72 g/t Au over 0.30 meters and 2.18 g/t Au over 0.25 meters.
The samples cross quartz-chlorite-ankerite veins which are variably mineralized with pyrite. The veins are hosted within sheared and altered granodiorite.

The three trenches are spaced over a 100-meter strike length of the northern shear that parallels a granodiorite sill.

The remaining samples from the other trenches have all been shipped to the laboratory for assaying. All trenches and channel samples are being surveyed in detail by a contractor.

Cartier is planning a follow-up diamond drill program on the mineralized zones.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control

The Rambull exploration program is conducted under the supervision of Mr. Philippe Berthelot, P. Geo., qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Cartier has implemented and adheres to a strict Quality Assurance/Quality Control program which includes mineralized standards and blanks for each batch of samples. Assay samples are taken from drill core sawed in half with one half sent to a commercial laboratory and the other half retained for future reference. Analyses are either performed by Techni-lab S.G.B. Abitibi inc. in Sainte-Germaine, Quebec, or by ALS-Chemex in Val-d’Or, Quebec, both accredited laboratories.


For further information please contact:
Philippe Cloutier
President and CEO
Cartier Resources Inc.
Telephone: 819 874-1331
Toll Free: 877 874-1331
Fax: 819 874-3113

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