• TSX-V:ECR 0.11 (0.01)
  • Volume 602000

Press releases

July 2, 2009

Cartier Confirms Gold Potential with 19.55 g/t Au on Rambull Property

Val-d’Or, Quebec, July 2nd 2009 – Cartier Resources Inc. (TSX-V: ECR) («Cartier») will be launching a trenching program on the Rambull Gold showing area. Recent field work by Cartier has confirmed the area’s gold potential with grab samples returning up to 19.55 g/t Au and channel samples returning up to 6.28 g/t Au over 0.4 metres. The gold mineralization is situated on the Rambull Property that covers the eastern portion of the original Kinojevis project.

Samples taken in quartz veins returned 19.55 g/t Au, 7.10 g/t Au and 5.34 g/t Au and channel samples taken on these veins returned 6.28 g/t Au over 0.4 metres and 3.88 g/t Au over 0.7 metres. Further field work objectives include confirming the extension and continuity of the mineralized veins and gold bearing horizons in order to generate diamond drill targets.
The mineralization is located in an area that subcrops over 2.2 kilometers. Two gold bearing zones have been outlined: the first corresponds to the historic Rambull Gold showing discovered in 1944 and associated with a 100-meter wide east-west striking shear zone. The second is situated 250 meters to the south and is associated with a 100-meter wide shear zone that parallels the first. Gold occurs within quartz-carbonate-tourmaline-chlorite veins and disseminated sulphides (pyrite-chalcopyrite) within granodiorite for the first zone and within mafic volcanics for the second zone. Previous exploration dating back to 1944, which was carried out by Rambull Gold Mines Ltd., reported grades varying from 0.15 g/t Au to 7,38 g/t Au in trenches (on three veins), 9.6 g/t Au and 6.55 g/t Au in bulk samples and diamond drill intersections grading up to 10.64 g/t Au over 0.27 metres. Follow-up work completed in 1961 by Copperstream Mines Ltd. reported diamond drill intersections grading up to 23.66 g/t Au over 1.06 metres and 19.83 g/t Au over 0.15 metres. In 1990 and 1991, Agnico-Eagle Ltd. confirmed the gold potential by trenching several areas, with grades reporting up to 6.63 g/t Au over 0.5 metres and 5.11 g/t Au over 0.5 metres in channel samples as well as significant grades of 22.26 g/t Au and 11.17 g/t Au in grab samples.

Cartier also announces that it has subdivided the Kinojevis project into four new properties: MacCormack, Preissac, Newconex West and Rambull (refer to figure). These four properties, as well as the five claim blocks of the Xstrata Option (refer to February 7th 2008 press release), straddle over 48 kilometres of the Destor-Porcupine Fault which is known as one of the most important gold-bearing metallotects in Quebec and in Ontario. Exploration by Cartier has identified new gold showings as well as highlighted the potential for polymetallic (gold-silver-copper-zinc) volcanogenic massive sulphide systems in four distinct areas. Cartier is seeking partners in order to pursue exploration on these high profile projects.
Quality Assurance/Quality Control

The Rambull exploration program is conducted under the supervision of Mr. Philippe Berthelot, P. Geo., qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Cartier has implemented and adheres to a strict Quality Assurance/Quality Control program which includes mineralized standards and blanks for each batch of samples. Assay samples are taken from drill core sawed in half with one half sent to a commercial laboratory and the other half retained for future reference. Analyses are either performed by Techni-lab S.G.B. Abitibi inc. in Sainte-Germaine, Quebec, or by ALS-Chemex in Val-d’Or, Quebec, both accredited laboratories.


For further information please contact:

Philippe Cloutier
President and CEO
Cartier Resources Inc.
Telephone: 819 874-1331
Fax: 819 874-3113

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