• TSX-V:ECR 0.11 (0)
  • Volume 17293

Press releases

July 21, 2011

Cartier Conducts Deeper Drilling on Dollier Gold Discovery

VAL-D’OR, QUEBEC–(Marketwire – July 21, 2011) – Cartier Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:ECR) (“Cartier”) is pleased to announce it has commenced a second phase of drilling on its Dollier project south of the town of Chibougamau in Quebec. The majority of this program will focus at depth on the plunge of the Main Gold Zone exposed by trenching (9.17 g/t Au over 1.1 metre and 7.94 g/t Au over 1.0 metre) and confirmed by drilling earlier this year (D0-11-08: 11.17 g/t Au over 0.4 metre within a wider zone of 2.96 g/t Au over 2.45 metres). Additional results from the first phase of drilling completed earlier this year identified a distinct vector for gold enrichment plunging steeply towards the west beneath the surface discovery (refer to three dimension long section below). New results from the phase one drilling include 11.92 g/t Au over 1.0 metre at the end of hole DO-11-03 and 1.01 g/t Au over 8.05 metres in hole DO-11-11. A three dimension interpretation of all gold results indicates gold grades possibly increase at depth in the western part of the zone. As well gold mineralization has been identified in a parallel structure situated 100 meters north of the main zone and returned 11.16 g/t Au over 0.3 metre within a broader interval of 2.05 g/t Au over 2.25 metres in hole DO-11-06. This new zone remains untested along strike and at depth. « The three dimensional modeling of all gold results in this area shows a distinct gold-enrichment vector at depth», commented Philippe Cloutier, President and CEO of Cartier. « The project has shown it’s potential to host grades greater than 10 g/t Au. Our objective with this second phase of drilling is to test for the potential for wider intersections at depth and open new areas for exploration». The program includes two significant step-out holes that will test conductors along the gold-bearing trend. The planned holes are located 3.3 kilometers west-south-west and 4.4 kilometers east-north-east respectively of the Main Gold Zone. Figure: Location Dollier Property Image: Geosoft TARGET model of gold results, 3D long section image of second phase drilling targets of Main Gold Zone. Quality Assurance/Quality Control The exploration program and the technical information presented in this press release have been reviewed and approved by Mr. Philippe Berthelot, P. Geo., Vice President – Exploration. Mr. Berthelot is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. The Dollier exploration program is conducted under the supervision of Mr. Berthelot. Cartier has implemented and adheres to a strict Quality Assurance/Quality Control program which includes mineralized standards and blanks for each batch of samples. Assay samples are taken from drill core sawed in half with one half sent to a commercial laboratory and the other half retained for future reference. Analyses are either performed by Techni-lab S.G.B. Abitibi inc. (ACTLABS) in Sainte-Germaine, Quebec, or by ALS-Chemex in Val-d’Or, Quebec, both accredited laboratories. The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release. Contact Information Philippe Cloutier President and CEO Cartier Resources Inc. 819 874-1331 819 874-3113 (FAX) info@ressourcescartier.com www.ressourcescartier.com

