• TSX-V:ECR 0.12 (0)
  • Volume 106000


Philippe Cloutier, P. Geo.

Philippe Cloutier, P. Geo.

  • President, Chief Executive Officer and Director

Philippe Cloutier, P.Geo. holds a B.Sc. in Geology and a certificate in Human Resource Management and has over 35 years of experience in the mining exploration and development business.

Mr. Cloutier has previously worked for industry leaders such as Noranda Inc., Aur Resources Inc., and Soquem.

Mr. Cloutier played a lead role in the discovery and delineation of the Bell-Allard South Cu-Zn Mine (3.4 Mt @ 1.26 % Cu, 13.94 % Zn, 0.67g/t Au, 42.34g/t Ag) in Matagami, Quebec.


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Nancy Lacoursière

Nancy Lacoursière

  • Chief financial officer

Ms. Lacoursière joined Cartier Resources Inc. in November 2010. She holds a BA in Accounting from the University of Québec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue. She has over 24 years of experience in accounting, including 9 years in an accountant’s office and 15 years in the mining industry.

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Ronan Deroff, P. Geo.

Ronan Deroff, P. Geo.

  • Senior Geologist - Project Manager, Geomatician

For over 15 years, Mr. Deroff holds a Masters in operations and management of mineral resources (EGERM), from the Université d’Orléans (France). He has been with Cartier Resources since May 2008. His areas of expertise include geochemistry, geology and metallogeny. He is responsible for the following gold and base metals projects.
